In a series of posts, I expand on the content of my book 7 Keys to Serenity and generally, on how to create inner peace and ultimately, authentic happiness. Topics range from awareness, alignment and attunement, to the interconnectedness of thoughts, words and actions, to the vibrational nature of things––including us, humans––the nature of happiness, of harmony and serenity and how we can become the composers and the conductors of our lives.
Visitors are welcome to share these reflections and to add their own perspectives.

Nautilus Press Release
Honoured and mighty pleased to see award-winning 7 keys to Serenity mentioned in recent Nautilus press release.
Article in New Age Magazine
Please check out this short article in New Age Magazine:
New Age Journal article
I am happy to share one of my articles on self-care that was featured in Vancouver's New Age Journal: Check it out at following link:
Authentic Happiness ( cont’d )
TRUE HAPPINESS = SELF-LOVE = SELF-CARE It may sound selfish to be talking of self-love. Yet it isn’t at all. Here is why: only when we love ourselves do we take care of ourselves and only then can we take care of others. Let’s use a metaphor that illustrates this...
What is authentic happiness?
To ask such a question implies that there is false happiness. And I would indeed argue that there is: an episodic, circumstantial happiness, based on external factors such as other people and things. Ask a hundred people around you how they would define happiness and...
We are the alchemists of our lives
How to become the alchemist of your life. In the previous two articles, in my musical perspective on life, I have shared with you how awareness empowers us to attune to our internal music and how our belief system determines the music we play. Let us now see...
Belief: the key to your mental notes––Magazine article
In my first article, “A musical perspective on life” I invited you to become the conductor of your personal orchestra––the thirty-five trillion or so musician-cells that play the sacred music of your life. We saw that awareness, the art of listening, is truly...
Life is all about music––magazine article
Here is an article I wrote for Okanagan Health Magazine and for Trifecta in Calgary, Alberta. How does this resonate with you?
Writing 7 Keys to Serenity: How it all began…
Why, to begin with, would an improvisational pianist and composer of healing music want to write words instead of notes? Shouldn’t the music be left to do its magic? I asked myself these questions many times and had to conclude that,at some point, we need to go...
Healing the world—Healing Earth
The eruption of violence we see befall the world calls for us to pause and reflect on what we have become, as individuals and as a society. It should also awaken us to make important, mindful choices as to how we can contribute, on a personal level, to change things....